We have lived in Virginia Beach for 2 1/2 years now and the weather guys have predicted snow maybe 5 times and only 1 of those 5 times did we EVER get a flake or 2. They've been saying we were going to get a huge storm. Well, I woke up this morning expecting for there to yet again be NO SNOW ... Well, I am wrong!
During Christmas we bought Judah a snow bib and snow boots and he never even went outside cause we were so busy! I almost left them in Colorado (with all of our winter stuff) but I brought it back with us. He put them to good use today! We got maybe about 6 inches of snow and Judah and Nathan played outside for over 2 hours. Judah LOVED it and didn't want to come in even though his fingers were frozen and his little cheeks were cherry red. Sledding was on the agenda today and tomorrow is a snow fort!
Judah is very passionate about life. He loves being outside and it seems that everyday we can see more and more of his personality coming out. We love it :)
Thank you Global Warming for sending snow to Virginia Beach!!!!