Nathan finished taking the bar exam July of 2010 and the first thing he did was PLAY with the kids :)
So, here's a quick chronological update:
July 2010- Nathan turns 30!
July 2010- Nathan finishes the bar
August 2010- Nathan's younger brother, Josh, got married in TX to an amazing lady! Our van broke down on our way back ... got stuck in Texas for another week :)
October 2010- Nathan gets bar results back ... HE PASSED!
November 2, 2010- Went into labor with Ronen
November 5, 2010- Ronen Paul Godsey was born!
December 22, 2010- Lili turned 2!
December 2010- Spent the holidays with our families and NO traveling :)
January 2011- Nathan started his first attorney position in Denver as an immigration attorney.
January 4, 2011- Judah turned 4!
May 2011- Became homeowners!!
August 2011- Nathan started his new job at a local practice as a Wills, Estate and Trust attorney. So wonderful to have him 15 minutes away rather than and hour and a half!
September 2011- We added to our family! Nathan's 91-year-old Grandma Eleanor moved in with us. We so enjoy having her. We've had a close relationship with her for years and it's a joy to be able to give back to her for once :)
September 2011- Planted grass in our backyard! Here's to a backyard for our kids next summer :)
October 2011- Updating my blog :0) More to follow ...
Liliana and her cousin Emma playing dress up :)

The Melting Pot with our favorite friends! The night Nathan got bar results back :)

Daddy & Lili

In TX while our van got fixed
Josh and Mandy's wedding 8/2010
Nathan's 30th